So, well, compared to yet another game of the same kind of production value, say, Sid Meier's Pirates! I'd say this one fares well, but not sufficiently to be playable or enticing to anyone but the most hardcore of lite (!) RPG with action portions. Pirates of the Caribbean can at times be a little challenging, strategically, because there is a lot of ship steering, but nonetheless, it only takes so much to nail it. You know what that means, especially for these relatively modern games it means set pieces from the movie, it means poor (well, not that poor, but then again, never too detailed either) graphics and it means a total lack of surprises. Instead, what you get, is a very playable but at times broken and most of the time uninspired action adventure RPG. Because, let's face it, you weren't going to be greeted by some masterpiece when dealing with Pirates of the Caribbean games.

Yep, this is quite a nice game, unless you were a toddler and you didn't really pay that much attention.