DevCon is a part of Windows Driver Kit and is a command line utility which can be used to quickly disable, enable, install, remove, scan and list all the hardware devices.

You Can Now Have Google Photos Shipped to Your Home. Disney's Remaining 2021 Movies Will Be Exclusively Released in Theaters. Apple Wants You to Update Your iOS Devices Immediately.import pyaudio import numpy as np CHUNK = 4096 # number of data points to read at a time RATE = 44100 # time resolution of the recording device (Hz) p=pyaudio.PyAudio () # start the PyAudio class stream=p.open(format=pyaudio.paInt16,channels=1,rate. This script gets some audio from the microphone and shows the values in the console (ten times).'= 'This script uses sendkeys to select the Sound Output device 'First parameter should be the desired device number in 'Playback Devices' list '= Option Explicit Const SleepTime = 200 Dim WindSh '= 'MAIN ROTUINE '= 'Check the command line input if ( 1) then MsgBox "You must provide a single integer arguement representing the device number", vbinformation + vbokonly, Wscript.ScriptName Wscript.Quit 1 elseif ( false = IsNumeric( Wscript.Arguments.